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highwayprophet  - 12 years ago
Hi Everybody...I am searching for a cd ( original not copy ) called ENCHANTED by LADY SABRE.
Please can somebody help me..It would be very much appreciated.Thank you.

Category: Melodic Rock
Year: 1989
Label: Indie
Catalog Number: LS702102


Sandra Thomas all vocals & lyrics
Chris Warren all guitars & music
Rob Rice bass
John Salzlein drums


1. Enchanted
2. Desert Sunset
3. Palace In The Sky
4. Iron Overload
5. Love From Afar
6. Sudden Attack
7. Shrines Built To Time
8. Starlight
9. Your Love Is A Deadly Weapon
10. Alone
11. To The Point Of Pain
12. Total Eclipse
13. Feelin' Somethin'
14. Black Night
15. At The End Of Time
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1 answer

jelinbaby25  - 12 years ago
My name is miss Jelin,i am looking for a new friend i saw your profile today and became interested in you,i
will also like to know you the more,and i want you to send a mail to my email
address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom l am.Here is my email

address (

I believe we can move from here.I am waiting for
your mail to my email address ( Remember that distance, color or age
does not matter but love matters allot in life Please reply me with my email

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