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dbell99  - 6 years ago
Seller rating stars
Please can someone explain what the difference is between the different 'star' ratings seen in the attachment. Some stars are solid blue, others are outlined only and some ratings have different amounts of outlined stars. What is the difference between all of these? See attached example.
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2 answers

heavensmusic  - 6 years ago
That´s the seller rating when you give feedback. Confirmation of order and how long seller takes to ship the item after payment also play a role on this rating.
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dbell99  - 6 years ago
Thanks heavensmusic, that part I understand. What I don't understand is which is a higher rating and if the outlined stars are better than the solid stars. For instance: Is four solid stars and one outlined star a better rating than five solid stars? What do they mean and which is a better rating because the one that says PRO underneath has one solid star and four outlined stars. Why? I don't understand.
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